Reactivating my Blog

I recently noticed that I have only posted 3 times this past year to my blog.  Working full time, running a small web design biz on the side , grandkids, cycling, Facebook, etc. have all taken a bit of my day and the blog went by the way side.  I’m not even sure if...

The Yuval Ron Ensemble

If you live in the Kansas City area, mark your calendar for Tuesday, April 3rd – 7:00 pm, at the Lewis and Shirley White Theatre, Jewish Community Center.  More information is available at A ten minutes short documentary on the art...

Test Post from Word 2010 to WordPress 3.x

I have been using Windows Live Writer 2011 to post to WordPress as I like many of the formatting options. I did read a recent article about using Word as an alternative. Thought I try it and see if it is much different. To get started, open up Word, select File, New,...