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Buckthorn Busting
The St. Paul Audubon Society put together a team of twelve to help 220 other volunteers pull Buckthorn from Snail Lake Regional Park. Ramsey...
Harveyville, KS
Dad, Tim and I visited “the Wilson Bench” … Back story…. In the 1870’s, my great, great grandfather, David Wilson buried 5 of his 13 children...
Mom’s 80th
On Monday, Tina and I drove to St. Joseph, Mo to begin our sneak attack into Kansas City for my mom’s 80th B-day party. We stayed with Teri...
Horned Lark
Birding with a few friends this morning, we came across our first of the year Horned Larks. Several were working a park entrance @ Lake Elmo...
Russet-throated Puffbird
The Russet-throated Puffbird (Hypnelus ruficollis) is a near-passerine bird which breeds in tropical South America in northeastern Colombia and much...
Another Really Good Day
Friday, March 11 was another great birding day. Linda W and I went looking for Raptors. We started at Lilydale Park checking out an old...