Color variants

Friday, we experienced our first snowflakes of the season and the feeders were quite busy, with many of the birds trying to ‘bulk up’ for the cold. One of the finches got our attention as his colors didn’t seem to match what they should. Both the House Finch and...

Looking for work…

If you are looking for help with any still photography or video shoots, I have a solution for you!!! Our youngest son Jeff and his new wife Christy are moving here to St. Paul next month.  Jeff recently graduated from Full Sail University. (Jeff was 2nd in his class.)...

Winter arrives

Winter arrived this morning with a light dusting of snow… nothing like the 40+ inches that fell yesterday in South Dakota. The feeders are busy as all of the backyard birds prepare for the colder weather.   Along with all of the usual suspects, a Fox Sparrow stopped...

Deer at the Feeders

I am very fortunate in that I get to work out of a home office.  The birds and occasional wild turkey or raccoon provide an endless array of distractions  to keep me from getting bored with my web design and management business.  This morning, I had a new visitor at...

First Great Horned Owls

Today was quite special… woke up ready to vote but had to walk the dog first.  As we entered Crepeau Park, the local crows were yelling at or about someone, so Biggs and I naturally had to have a look.  We were greeted by not one but two Great Horned Owls.  Neighbors...