by simpleDesigns | Mar 3, 2012 | Family, Vacation
This winter we swapped shoveling snow for (in part) feeding farm animals. Twice a day, we feed 2 goats, 5 donkeys and 4 horses. Luckily, we don’t have to shovel manure. Here are some shots of Tina enjoying 80+ degree weather. {More images at...
by simpleDesigns | Mar 1, 2012 | Birding
Tina and I skipped out of work a bit early today and did some birding at Cibolo City Park. Highlights included chasing a Winter Wren, 6 Carolina Wrens, 18 Meadowlarks and a Roadrunner in a tree. The morning included another life bird… the Vesper Sparrow...
by simpleDesigns | Feb 29, 2012 | Raptor Center
Watch for two of my blog images (used without permission I might add)
by simpleDesigns | Feb 26, 2012 | Birding
Wondering if spring migration has begun? We woke up to a new yard bird this am.. about 6-7 Lark Sparrows made an appearance and have been eating off the ground all morning.