Ruddy Turnstone

A BIG Hello from Dauphin Island, Alabama. Tina and I spent our first full day on the island and saw 46 species of birds…. and its really slow with Warblers. DI is one of the top birding spots in the southeast with a record of 347 species of birds having been reported....

Early Spring Thrush

Saw this little guy in Crepeau Park this morning on our walk.  Went back with a camera and he was still playing around a small creek. Hermit Thrush are the earliest spring thrush and the latest in the fall and the only member of its genus to spend the winter in...

Cooper’s Hawk in front yard

Our newest neighbor was in the front yard again today, probably looking for lunch.  He seems to work all of the yards with bird feeders looking for slow Sparrows or Juncos.

Bald Eagle Release (2)

The second release Saturday was done by Michelle Cook, another of the flight crew chiefs at the Raptor Center. This eagle flew directly to the ground, took a look back at us and then took off for the St. Croix River.