KARE11 in the Backyard

Last week, Meteorologist Sven Sungaard and Jeff, a KARE11 camera man taped a Simply Science segment in our backyard.  The subject was about the Christmas Bird Count and Audubon’s participation.  St. Paul is in their 66th year of counting.  Airs: Simply...

18” of Snow in the Yard

Friday and Saturday, the Midwest experienced one hell of a Snow Storm.  Total amounts varied throughout the state, and our yard measured 18”. Sunday, brought out the sun and lots of neighbors helping each other dig out driveways.  It’s going to be a long...

Taking my boys to see Santa

About 20 years ago, I stopped taking my boys to see Santa.  I’m not sure why, other than they just got too old for such adventures.  Saturday, in the middle of one of the largest snow storms in our state history, both of my “all grown up now” boys took their...

Barred Owl Release

Last week, Terry and I drove a Barred Owl out to Lino Lakes for another successful release.  All of the hours of care and rehabilitation pay off when one of our injured birds is released back into the wild.  This little guy had hit a large front window and...