by simpleDesigns | Jun 3, 2010 | Raptor Center
Part of my volunteer work this morning was cleaning outdoor pens that we use for owls and Bald Eagles. The eagle pen had 3 adults and 1 immature today.
by simpleDesigns | Jun 3, 2010 | Raptor Center
Today I met Jim. Jim is a tree trimming, tree climber who has volunteered for the Raptor Center since 1988. After work, Jim puts baby raptors back into their nests when they have fallen out. After climbing 40 feet up into a mature oak tree, Jim made...
by simpleDesigns | Jun 2, 2010 | Raptor Center
On Tuesday, I rec’d a call about a hawk baby on the ground in Shoreview. After a bit of a hunt, we found this guy hiding in the grass about 40 feet below a large hawks nest. This is a Red-shouldered Hawk hatchling, possible 1-2 weeks old. The vets examined...
by simpleDesigns | Jun 2, 2010 | Friends
This past weekend, Tina and I took a trip to Chicago to visit friends (Tim & Pat McClelland) and to ride the Bike the Drive. On Sunday, Chicago closed the Lake Shore Drive for 4 hours and somewhere between 18,000 and 20,000 cyclists rode a 30 mile loop...
by simpleDesigns | May 28, 2010 | Raptor Center
The Raptor Center gave us a Great Horned Owl to release yesterday and our friend Kristian was in town for some more schooling, so K and I drove to Excelsior for the release. This bird had been tangled in some fishing line and had a bruised (but not broken)...