by simpleDesigns | Oct 24, 2014 | Personal
I recently noticed that I have only posted 3 times this past year to my blog. Working full time, running a small web design biz on the side , grandkids, cycling, Facebook, etc. have all taken a bit of my day and the blog went by the way side. I’m not even sure if...
by simpleDesigns | Aug 8, 2013 | Personal
Once I finish sorting all of my bird pictures, then I’ll start on the animals. Pumba Lions Zebra baby Giraffe Crocs...
by simpleDesigns | Sep 4, 2012 | Personal
by simpleDesigns | Mar 3, 2012 | Personal
If you live in the Kansas City area, mark your calendar for Tuesday, April 3rd – 7:00 pm, at the Lewis and Shirley White Theatre, Jewish Community Center. More information is available at A ten minutes short documentary on the art...
by simpleDesigns | Jan 13, 2012 | Personal
I have been using Windows Live Writer 2011 to post to WordPress as I like many of the formatting options. I did read a recent article about using Word as an alternative. Thought I try it and see if it is much different. To get started, open up Word, select File, New,...