Fall Raptor Release @ Carpenter Nature Center

On Saturday, Sept 24th, the Raptor Center and Carpenter Nature Center partnered for a spectacular day of fall colors and raptor releases.  We released 6 birds, including 2 Red-tailed Hawks, a Broad-winged Hawk, a Coopers hawk and 2 young Bald Eagles. The final...

Bald Eagle Release (2)

The second release Saturday was done by Michelle Cook, another of the flight crew chiefs at the Raptor Center. This eagle flew directly to the ground, took a look back at us and then took off for the St. Croix River.

Bald Eagle Release (1)

This weekend, we released 2 Bald Eagles at the Carpenter Nature Center.  The first release was done by John Headley (husband of my flight crew chief).  It was a beautiful 50+ degree day and my two grand daughters went along to watch. A really great...