by simpleDesigns | Jul 7, 2013 | Cycling
Not getting much birding in these days, but riding better than I have in years. Here is today’s TCBC ride:
by simpleDesigns | Mar 9, 2008 | Cycling
I signed up for Bicycle Tour of Colorado a couple of weeks ago but I’m not sure I could ride 50 flat miles, so I decided to start riding again with some regularity. Rode about 45 last weekend and paid dearly, so kept it under 30 miles today. The streets were...
by simpleDesigns | Jan 28, 2008 | Cycling
The Twin Cities Bicycle Club and HI-Minnesota have teamed up again to produce a completely new edition of the Minnesota Bike Atlas – now in its 35th year of publication. With all new maps and an interactive CD which will blow your cycling socks off, this edition...