Managing My Photography

Apr 26, 2008 | Web Fun


We’ve been out walking and shooting more pictures of birds this April than I can possibly ever use. I am using a new beta version of Adobe Lightroom to manage the files and displaying some of the better ones in our Picasa Web Albums.

As I collect shots that I’d like to ‘publish’ to the outside world, I will be building slide shows of different species or themes and posting them as part of this site. The links on my birding page contain some of the first attempts at these slide presentations.

I am really finding Lightroom to be a total solution for managing large portfolios of images. There are also many Plug-ins available for Lightroom such as SlideShow Pro. As this is an ever evolving project, I will probably not go back to old presentations and ‘re-do’ them, hence newer photos will have better presentations as I find and learn better methods.

Enjoy, and let me know what you think.

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Vadnais Heights, MN 55127