New Birds for our Minnesota "Seen" list

Feb 3, 2008 | Birding



Tina and I spent the day birding along the Mississippi River. We drove and hiked at various access points that we could find between Shepard Rd and Newport, MN.

The best viewing spot was in South St. Paul along the river where the Pigs Eye Power Plant discharges heated water and the open surface attracts numerous winter dwellers including eagles.

Highlights included 24 Bald Eagles in one sitting, dozens of Common Mergansers and a lone (lost) American White Pelican. According to the bird books, the White Pelican breeds in scattered locations from western Manitoba and Minnesota westward to northern California in the summer, but winters in California, Mexico, along the Gulf Coast, and in Florida. This guy is obviously lost or hurt. We have a theory that his left wing is somehow not functioning properly, as we were able to view the black wing tips when he simply sitting in the water, and we have not been able to see him fly. We may go back later this week, to see if he is still there.

Picasa Album has some additional pictures of the pelican and the eagles.

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Vadnais Heights, MN 55127