by simpleDesigns | Mar 2, 2010 | Birding
1. The first Red-winged Blackbird was in the marsh on the north side of Hogback Pond at the Bass Ponds this morning. 2. Bald Eagles have been seen sitting on nests in multiple locations. 3. A Barred Owl visited us in Crepeau Nature Preserve this week.
by simpleDesigns | Feb 28, 2010 | Birding
Another highlight from yesterday’s quick trip to the bog was watching a Ruffed Grouse cross the road.
by simpleDesigns | Feb 28, 2010 | Birding
Spent Saturday birding in the Sax-Zim Bog area of northern Minnesota. 21 species for the day including 2 of my favorites, the Red-breasted Nuthatch and the Boreal Chickadee. Some of the better photography for the day was of the female Pine Grosebeak.
by simpleDesigns | Feb 22, 2010 | Birding
Each week, I try to spend a couple of hours birding a local park with friends. Today, we walked the perimeter of Silverwood Park, a beautiful facility in New Brighton managed by Three Rivers. Highlight of the morning was a Great Horned Owl trying his best...
by simpleDesigns | Feb 22, 2010 | Birding
Yesterday, I participated in a St. Paul Audubon trip to Wabasha primarily to see wintering eagles along the Mississippi River. The morning started out in a deep fog and Red Wing’s Coville Park was socked in so that even the docks were barely visible. Our...