by simpleDesigns | Apr 29, 2009 | Family
Today.. April 29th, 2009 is the birthday of my newest grandchild. Aurora Reece Wilson was born this morning at 10:00 am, weighing in at 6.2 lbs and 21” in length. As she was several weeks early, she’ll spend the night in the Special Care Unit for some extra...
by simpleDesigns | Mar 11, 2009 | Family
After 54 years, I finally attended my 1st baby shower. Actually, Christy invited any men that wished to attend and it turned out to be a great idea. Good dynamics and interactions… although I have nothing else to compare it to. Maybe the women were more...
by simpleDesigns | Jan 5, 2009 | Family
At Christmas this year, we met Aziza, a young lady from Kyrgyzstan. Phaedra’s folks host one or 2 foreign exchange students each year and Aziza is their 18th so far. Aziza is an exceptional young lady and we really enjoyed having her as part of our Christmas...
by simpleDesigns | Jan 4, 2009 | Birding, Family
Woke up to a bright sunny day but cold temps, so we decided to try something new. We picked up Zander (our 4 yr old grandson), and drove to the St. Paul U of Mn campus to visit the Minnesota Raptor Center. The center was founded back in 1974 and has grown into a rehab...
by simpleDesigns | Jan 4, 2009 | Family
Yesterday, Zander and I spent 3-4 hours building a R2-D2 model out of legos. The unit contains a battery driven motor and actually walked/spun around when we were finished. [flv: 320 240]
by simpleDesigns | Dec 15, 2008 | Family
When is there enough light for a good photo? Late Saturday afternoon, Tina was watching birds in the backyard and the sun cast a nice light on her face. Here is a shot taken at ISO=1600 into a mirror: