Managing My Photography

We’ve been out walking and shooting more pictures of birds this April than I can possibly ever use. I am using a new beta version of Adobe Lightroom to manage the files and displaying some of the better ones in our Picasa Web Albums. As I collect shots that...

Select a Candidate

If you are like me, you are getting tired of the political ads on TV and the radio. Most of these are simple fluff pieces either meant to make one candidate look good, or the opposite, to tear down his or her opponent. Just tell me – How do the presidential and...

Only 6 weeks to go :)

If you have a web site and want some fun filler, sample the array of Gadgets at Here are hundreds of code snippets that you can customize for your own use. One example could be to announce, that we are going to be grandparents again in...

Thing of the month club

In January 2006, Tina and I made the decision to try semi-retirement. We wouldn’t join a bridge club and play Bingo, but we would give up the security of a full time job and paycheck. We joined AARP, canceled many of our monthly expenses, bought a decent camera and...

Sorry for the lapse in news and photos

I have been seriously negligent in updating our photo album and this news blog. Tina and I spent time in Costa Rica with family over the holidays celebrating Dad’s 80th, Tim’s 50th and Phaedra’s 30th. I posted holiday pictures on Picasa.. After returning to our real...

"Gainfully" Employed

I am finally back to some semblance of working. I am in the process of creating a new Ecommerce site for A-1 Vacuum of St. Paul. The new site went live a couple of weeks ago at We have even had some sales as we continue to enter more product and...