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Birding Cuba
Birding Cuba, April 2016 by David Bredehoft from Ben Wilson on Vimeo. Birding Cuba, April 2016 by David Bredehoft. Spring Migration Cuba Bird...
Zero Meridian, Five Degrees North Preview
The following story is a chapter of an upcoming book written by my mother Priscilla H Wilson about my father Rodney E Wilson. The book is...
Cars of Cuba
It was great fun to see the variety of older cars still running on the island. Most are no longer running with original motors and parts, but still...
Thick-billed Vireo
The thick-billed vireo is a small songbird. It breeds in the West Indies in the Bahamas, Turks and Caicos Islands, Cayman Islands, Tortuga Island in...
Cuban Endemic’s
Cuban Endemics The main purpose of our trip to Cuba was to find and identify the endemic birds on the island of Cuba and outlying Cays. Endemic is...
Sloppy Joe’s Bar, Havana
Excerpt from Wikipedia Sloppy Joe's Bar is a historic bar located in Havana, Cuba. The bar reopened in 2013 after being closed for 48 years.[1] The...