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"Harley" gets released
100's of people showed up to witness the release of "Harley", the bald eagle on Saturday and the event received a great deal of good press for both...
“Harley” scheduled for release
In early August on a long stretch of County Highway T near Wascott, Wisconsin, motorcyclist Brian Baladez passed a bald eagle on the side of the...
Red-shouldered Hawk
Early morning, January 1st, 2010. A neighbor calls, says “get up and bring your camera… there’s a big hawk in my yard”. I did catch a...
Golden Eagle Survey Update
On January 16th, 2010 over 130 observers were out to specifically look for Golden Eagles! 93 Golden Eagles were seen in the survey area which...
Red-breasted Nuthatch & Gray Jay
Two more fun birds this past weekend were the Red-breasted Nuthatch and the Gray Jay. Both birds were quite common “up north”. We don’t...
Boreal Chickadee
Tina and I celebrated our anniversary up north this past weekend. We spent one of the days driving around in the Sax-Zim bog bird area of...