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Golden Cheeked Warbler

One of the exciting moments on our road trip to Texas was the logging several life birds (never seen before).  One of these (I believe) was the...

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New Birds in Boerne

Last week, I travelled to Texas to visit some Uncles with my dad.  While we were there, I snuck in some birding and found a pretty good...

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The young of spring

Lots of birds are having their young this month.  Every tree and bush seems to have young hatchlings buzzing around.  Here is a shot of a...

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Wings in flight

I’ve been working on trying to catch birds in flight.  Usually, there is not enough light or I’m just not quick enough to catch a bird in...

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Enjoying the Adventure

Ben & Tina, Christmas 2016

This site chronicles the adventures of Ben & Tina Wilson.

Stay tuned

Ben Wilson

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