Texas Hummers

Catching a hummingbird in flight is always a fun challenge.  If you do get lucky, they are usually just a blur of motion.  Here is a shot of a Black-chinned Hummingbird from Texas.

Golden Cheeked Warbler

One of the exciting moments on our road trip to Texas was the logging several life birds (never seen before).  One of these (I believe) was the Golden-cheeked Warbler in Boerne, TX. “The rare and endangered Golden-cheeked Warbler nests only in the juniper-oak...

New Birds in Boerne

Last week, I travelled to Texas to visit some Uncles with my dad.  While we were there, I snuck in some birding and found a pretty good collection in spite of the heat (13 days above 100) Here is one of my favorites: Arial Acrobatics by a pair of Scissor-tailed...

The real reason that Lance is in France.

Very few people know the real reason that Lance Armstrong decided to race in Europe again after 3 years of semi-retirement.  In the summers of 2006, 2007 and 2008 besides running marathons and racing mountain bikes, Lance participated in RAGBRAI.  This week...

The young of spring

Lots of birds are having their young this month.  Every tree and bush seems to have young hatchlings buzzing around.  Here is a shot of a brand new young Barn Swallow trying out his wings.