by simpleDesigns | Nov 7, 2009 | Birding
We helped facilitate another hawk release today.m We hand carried a Broad-winged hawk to the Mississippi River in Minneapolis for a release by Nathan. Zander, our grandson, also went along to watch the release.
by simpleDesigns | Nov 6, 2009 | Birding
Terry (head of the Thursday flight crew) and I drove a Red-shouldered Hawk out to Elk River for a release yesterday afternoon. The bird was rescued at the end of September after hitting a car on a county road north of the cities. The clinic vets were...
by simpleDesigns | Nov 2, 2009 | Birding
Spent a couple of hours birding Ft. Snelling with friends this morning. My highlight was chasing several Golden-crowned Kinglets down an embankment with camera firing. Also saw my first American Tree Sparrow of the season at the State Park.
by simpleDesigns | Nov 1, 2009 | Birding
It was raining Thursday, so instead of flying raptors, I spent some time helping out in our clinic at the Raptor Center. The highlight was holding my first Bald Eagle. Amazing amount of power in this bird.
by simpleDesigns | Nov 1, 2009 | Birding
Last week, I was asked to transport a Peregrine to Hastings for a release. The release was yesterday at the Carpenter Nature Center. Birds in boxes sometimes thrash around and damage themselves, so I was asked to pick up the bird early Saturday morning and...
by simpleDesigns | Oct 22, 2009 | Birding
Tina and I released a Barred Owl in Balsam Lake, WI this afternoon. On the way back, we were asked to transport a Bald Eagle to the Twin Cities. The eagle had hit a car and had some bleeding from his left ear. We’ll update his condition when its known. Dr....