Road Trip – Fall 2008

We are getting ready for our first long trip in some time.  We may on the road for up to 6 weeks, as we travel south to visit friends and family, do some birding along the gulf coast and attend our son Jeff’s graduation from Full Sail University. Labor Day...

Fall migration has begun

Summer is coming to a close and fall migration has begun.  Have you noticed that there are no more Red-winged black birds in Minnesota.  I‘m told that all of the Purple Martins have also left. Keep an eye on your backyard as you never know who might fly thru. Click on...

New road toy

Tina and I are off tomorrow for our first voyage in our new road toy.  We purchased a 2002 Rialta by Winnebago.  Sleeps 2, on board kitchen, toilet and shower.  Built on a VW chassis with a 6-cylinder motor.  Hopefully, it’s fairly efficient on the road (around...

TCAAP is open

The Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant (TCAAP) was listed in 2005 as one of the worst places on earth by  Construction on Twin Cities AAP began in August 1941, and production started in February 1942. During WW II, the plant produced more than 4 billion...

Common Yellowthroat Warbler

I have spent several hours this week, trying to get up close to a Common Yellowthroat Warbler.  Tina and I first heard him Monday and every day since, but had no luck snapping a picture. This morning, I stood in a marsh, counting mosquitoes, when he appeared and...

Backyard Birding

Our back yard birding had another surprise yesterday. A pair (or adult and kid) of Scarlet Tanagers paid us a visit for several hours while they rested and fed on the suet, oranges, seed and worms. They really are one of the most beautiful birds in North America and...