Go for a Walk

Go for a Walk

I’ve been kicking around the idea of reviving our family blog.  From 2006-2014, I posted a lot of pictures, random thoughts, cycling adventures, etc.  Lately, in the time of Covid, we walk quite a bit especially around the lake behind our home. I used to really...
Cars of Cuba

Cars of Cuba

It was great fun to see the variety of older cars still running on the island.  Most are no longer running with original motors and parts, but still fun to see.  A real treat. [envira-gallery slug=”cars-of-cuba”]  

Another afternoon of climbing.

I guess next time I’ll have to try climbing instead of just shooting pictures.  It was great fun to watch the Zander and Izzy (and dad) climb again at Vertical Endeavors.  Zander especially attacked the walls with a sense of confidence that I had not seen...

Planting Bee Balm

One of the plants that we discovered in the yard this spring, was Bee Balm.  It is a favorite of our local Ruby-throated Hummingbirds.  Bee balm also attracts butterflies and...

Rufous Hummingbird

Over the wire, I read: “Just a little update – for those of you who are interested, the male Rufous Hummingbird is still coming to our feeder today. You are welcome to look at it at 2024 Fairmount Ave., St. Paul. Thanks for all of your suggestions. We will...