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Prairie Warbler
The Prairie Warbler singing high in a pine tree outside of Homer, LA
Cerulean Warbler
Saturday and Sunday were the St. Paul Audubon’s Warbler weekend in Frontenac, MN. The weekend count for the group was 131 bird species. The...
Aurora turns 2
Our youngest grand daughter Aurora turned 2 at the end of April. A fun party was had by all last weekend.
Prothonotary Warblers
Prothonotary Warblers breed in wooded swamps and other bottomland forests. Characteristic tree species include willows, sweet gum, willow oak, black...
Tanagers on Dauphin Island
Summer Tanager in a Live Oak and a Scarlet Tanager in a Mulberry Tree. (Click on thumbnails)
Eastern Bluebird
Marvelous birds to capture in your binoculars, male Eastern Bluebirds are a brilliant royal blue on the back and head, and warm red-brown on the...