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Thursday Flight Crew
After flying a Red-tailed Hawk this morning, I stuck around the Raptor Center to watch Terry and Gary fly a couple of Bald Eagles in Como...
Bald Eagle Rescue
On December 8, 2009, the Raptor Center received a call from local Hastings business man, Harry Meier, Eckhart Vacuum, 1631 Oak St. Harry reported...
Trumpeter Swan on Vadnais
Sunday, we counted 36 Trumpeter Swans on Vadnais lake, along with 100’s of ducks. “The largest of North American waterfowl, the Trumpeter Swan is...
Flight crew @ the Raptor Center
Every Thursday, I volunteer at the Raptor Center on one of the flight crews helping with the physical conditioning of recovering raptors, exercising...
Violet-tailed Sylph
The Violet-tailed Sylph, Aglaiocercus coelestis, is a species of hummingbird found in Colombia and Ecuador. Males average around 7 inches,(18 cm),...
Booted Racket-tail
The Booted Racket-tail is one of the finest looking birds I’ve ever seen. With it’s puffy white legs and long tennis racket tail, this hummer...