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Common Yellowthroat Warbler

I have spent several hours this week, trying to get up close to a Common Yellowthroat Warbler.  Tina and I first heard him Monday and every day...

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Beyond Birding…

Several people in my life have asked if I do anything besides birding and photography. It does seem to be a new passion and I am getting great...

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Backyard Birding

Our back yard birding had another surprise yesterday. A pair (or adult and kid) of Scarlet Tanagers paid us a visit for several hours while they...

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Mother's Day already

Today is May 11th, and I realized that I haven't posted anything since April 30th. Where has the time gone and why is it moving so fast? Last...

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Enjoying the Adventure

Ben & Tina, Christmas 2016

This site chronicles the adventures of Ben & Tina Wilson.

Stay tuned

Ben Wilson

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