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Aplomado Falcon @ sunrise

The Aplomado Falcon sitting on our roof one morning, flying off to catch a moth then settling back down for some more looks…. a serious highlight of...

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Yellow-knobbed Curassow

One of the most spectacular birds of our recent SA trip was the Yellow-knobbed Curassow. Wikipedia describes this bird as follows:  The...

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Great Backyard Bird Count

The Great Backyard Bird Count is an annual four-day event that engages bird watchers of all ages in counting birds to create a real-time snapshot of...

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The Jabiru is the tallest flying bird found in South America and Central America, often standing around the same height as the flightless and much...

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The largest reptile that we encountered on our Venezuela trip was the Caiman in several ponds.  As we visited several small ponds for bird...

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Enjoying the Adventure

Ben & Tina, Christmas 2016

This site chronicles the adventures of Ben & Tina Wilson.

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Ben Wilson

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