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Spring Wildflowers

Spent the weekend camping at a local state park. 3 mile walk, 34 bird species and a great workout for a grandson. Also found our first spring...

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The Mayflower

The Mayflower was the ship that transported the English Separatists, better known as the Pilgrims, from Plymouth, England, to Plymouth,...

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Cedar Waxwings

In Mattapoisett, MA we birded the harbor one morning and saw several returning species announcing the arrival of spring.  Along with...

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Common Eider (Life Bird)

Tina and I spent last week in New England with my parents doing mostly genealogy stuff.  We also snuck in a bit of birding in CT and...

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Enjoying the Adventure

Ben & Tina, Christmas 2016

This site chronicles the adventures of Ben & Tina Wilson.

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Ben Wilson

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